Journal your trades without effort. Keep track of your trading actvites. Assign your trades to different strategies, mistakes and portfolios. Keep a journal for each trading day, add notes and pictures to your trades, strategies, mistakes and portfolios.
With our customizable analytical dashboard, you can accurately point out mistakes you make and strategies that work best for you. Use a variety of analytical tools, that lead you to become a more efficient trader.
Use your acquired knowledge and new insights due to our analytics and perfect your trading skills. Maximize your profit by applying sucessful strategies and minimize your losses by avoiding mistakes that our tool points out to be most expensive. In general: Become a better trader!
Tradinglog allows you to systematically keep track of your trading activity. You can filter your trades and add them to different portfolios. Assign your trades to mistakes and strategies and analyse your performance. Filter for your best strategies or for your most expensive mistakes.
With Tradinglog, you can gain unique insides in your actual trading performance. With a fully customizable dashboard, you will be able to analyse your trading on every level possible. The best part: The more you use the journal, the more it accurately helps you to bring your trading to a new level
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